Pre-Hifz Class
Parents are advised that the child who wishes to enroll on to the Hifz course MUST have a basic grasp of being able to read the Quran fluently.
Any child who is not able to read the Quran fluently must therefore enroll on to the Pre-Hifz Class, which educates a child through the elementary stages of the syllabus which includes Nazira, (reading the Quran), Basic Tajweed rules, Dua’s, Fiqh and Prayer.
The Pre-Hifz class has been carefully constructed accommodating different types of learners who are not familiar with reciting the Quran fluently. Using valuable study resources and expertise teaching, pupils will be able to gain a good understanding of reading the Holy Quran fluently and subsequently will be moved on to the 1st year of the Hifz course. There is no time limit set in the Pre Hifz class, with the emphasis being placed on the individuals learning ability only.
If the child is able to learn the method of reading the Holy Quran correctly based on the education received by the tutor in a few months, then the child will as a result be moved on to the 1st year of the Hifz Course.
However, on the contrary, if the child is not making sufficient progress, they must continue their studies in the Pre-Hifz class until they are deemed competent enough to progress further.
*The cost of the Pre-Hifz class will be £20 per month and will run for 2 hours daily.(Mon-Fri)
“ Truly, Allah raises a people by this Book (Holy Quran) and Debases (degrades) Others by it” (Sahih Muslim)
(Number Of Years)
The pie chart represents the amount of Quran memorized by each child over a period of 5yrs as part of the Madrasah SalafiyahHifz course.
*Madrasah Salafiyah will run the Hifz course weekdays from Mon-fri.
*The timings will be from 5:00-8:00 daily.
*Additional weekend classes will be provided for students who are having difficulty in keeping up with the syllabus. The cost of this would be £10 per weekend.(excludes the monthly fee)
“ And we have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember, but is there any that will remember?” (Al-Qamar:17)
Cost of Hifz Course
Madrasah Salafiyah endeavors to undertake a professional approach to the understanding and application of the Hifz Course, providing the students with the correct knowledge and mastery of the Holy Quran.
This comprehensive Hifz course is equipped to facilitate the art of memorizing the Holy Quran and to also enrich the lives of the students with the beautiful teachings contained within the Holy Book.
The student will benefit from professional tuition carried out by skilled teachers
The cost varies each year as the tuition becomes more intensive, enabling teachers to spend quality time and effort on each student.
Studies carried out by consumer companies show that families living in the UK spend an average of £40-£50 per month on luxuries such as SKY TV, computer games, dvd’s etc. The direct consequence of these luxuries which many people pay for, are exemplified through the conduct of the youth in today’s society. Bad morals, swearing, dating, violence, alcohol and drugs are all bad factors which are present amongst muslim youth today, both boys and girls, and this stems from watching dramas and films, listening to music and songs, all of which are tools of satan and are unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge classed as luxuries. These luxuries bring short term entertainment with no reward in the hereafter with Allah s.w.t.
On the contrary the sacrifice that parents give to make their childrenhuffaz have countless rewards and blessings from Allah s.w.t.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Whoever reads the Qur'an and acts upon what is in it, his parents will be dressed in a crown on the day of Judgment, whose light will be better than the light of the sun if it were in the houses of this world, so what do you think the reward of the person be who would (actually) act upon it? (meaning the reward of the Hafiz)”.(Narrated by Abu Dawood, Hadeeth 1241
For those of you who wish to embark your precious and loved children on the praiseworthy path of memorizing the Qur’an, the path which all the scholars and students of knowledge had first taken, Madrasah Salafiyah will Insha-allah look forward in working hand in hand with you to make that dream a reality
Number Of Students
The number of students per class will vary depending on the level the students are at. The following table represents the structure showing the different levels of the hifz course, from the beginning to the end, as well as the amount of students per class.
Number Of Students Per Class
In this way the amount of learning achieved is maximized, bearing in mind the teacher will not have to teach more than the required amount of students.
The sole aim and purpose of the Hifzprogramme is to give the students the highest quality Hifz education, whereby each student is given complete dedication and focus, ensuring that the student does not under achieve but rather excel in his studies.
Hifz Daily Lesson Plans
Lesson planning is an important element which is needed to ensure that effective learning is taking place, whilst at the same time having an overview of what is already taught and what is to be taught in the future.
All Hifz teachers are given the following lesson plans to follow for their respective years/classes that they will be teaching.
It is extremely important that each teacher adheres and follows the lesson plans as they are designed specifically to ensure that students follow targets set and have clear objectives.
Class |
Daily Hifz lines |
+ |
Revision Daily 1 |
+ |
Revision Daily 2 |
Level 1 |
4.5 |
+ |
15 Back Lessons |
+ |
5 Pages Revision |
Level 2 |
7.5 |
+ |
12 Back Lessons |
+ |
6 Pages Revision |
Level 3 |
10.5 |
+ |
10 Back Lessons |
+ |
8 Pages Revision |
Level 4 |
10.5 |
+ |
08 Back Lessons |
+ |
8 Pages Revision |
Level 5 |
12 |
+ |
08 Back Lessons |
+ |
8 Pages Revision |
The table above represents the amount of learning that each student is expected to do, depending on which class they are in.
The Teacher must always listen to the Dars covered in previous lessons.
This is the reason the ‘3 back pages’ factor is included. This is to be done daily ensuring that the student does not forget the Dars learnt in previous lessons.
Hifz Students Guidelines
All Hifz students are expected to follow the guidelines which are in place to ensure transparency and clarity, enabling them to understand what is required of them at all times resulting in good overall practice.
- Student must be fluent enough in reading the Qur’an.
- Student must be punctual and not arrive late for lessons.
- Should ensure that he/she is studying to the best of his/her ability.
- Must get his/her progress sheet filled in by the teacher daily.
- Must get his/her progress sheet checked and signed by the parent daily.
- Student must have color coded Quran for the lesson.
- Regular checks will be carried out by the management to ensure such tests are being carried out.
- Must participate in the annual Qur’an competition.
- Must attend the annual exam
- Weekly assembly on Fridays will be a regular feature. For this reason each student must attend it.
The students are reminded that they will be monitored regularly to ensure that the above points are implemented.
Failure to do so will result in Disciplinary action being taken according to the Student Disciplinary Policy 2008.